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Why his Paleo diet sucks (Diet Case Study)


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Software Iklan Massal
Software Iklan Massal

Why his Paleo diet sucks (Diet Case Study)

Nick the “Nutrition Nerd” Pineault sent me this diet critique of one of his clients who’s on the Paleo diet.

The little-known truths he revealed made my jaw drop…

Here's a sample of what Nick’s client, Mark, eats on a typical day:

Breakfast: Cage-free omega-3 eggs with organic spinach

Snack: Brown rice protein with some “Stevia in the raw”

Lunch: Mixed greens, chicken breast and homemade olive oil dressing

Dinner: Grass-fed beef steak seasoned with soy sauce and a medium sweet potato

Evening Snack: Berries with honey

Your 24-Hour Diet Makeover ( Click Here )

What Mark is doing right (Nick’s comments):

Mark’s Paleo diet is off to a good start because he focuses on natural whole foods. He’s eating “cleaner” than 99% of people eating this way.

What Mark is doing wrong:

Okay, let's take this meal by meal.

Breakfast: Mark was doing the right thing trying to buy healthier eggs, but he got scammed by marketing terms.

“Cage-free” has no legal definition in the US, which probably means his eggs are produced by hens crammed by thousands inside small barns â€" making eggs with a fraction of the nutrition.

The second problem with those eggs is the added omega-3.

You see, the Center for Science in the Public Interest's independent lab tests revealed that they contain less than half of the omega-3 claimed on the packaging.

But it doesn’t really matter anyway, because the omega-3 in them is ALA (from the flax hens are fed with), which is 800% to 3300% less absorbable than the form of omega-3 naturally contained in healthy eggs (EPA and DHA).

If you want eggs that contain multiple times more nutrients than these cheap cage-free eggs, stick with pasture-raised eggs â€" which means that hens are allowed to roam around outside like they’re supposed to.

Snack: Let’s put it that way: this brand of stevia is a huge scam.

Stevia In The Raw contains 95% dextrose â€" also known as… pure sugar. Because the FDA allows any food that contains less than 4 calories per serving to be labeled as “calorie-free”, this product shows portion sizes of 0.5g â€" 1/8 of a teaspoon â€" and continues to claim it contains 0 calories.

Instead of buying this forfeit brand, stick with any brand that only shows stevia on the ingredients list.

Lunch: It’s true: olive oil is a great source of healthy fats and anti-aging compounds... but only if you buy the right kind.

In 2010, Consumer Reports â€" one of the most credible and influential non-profit organizations fighting for consumer rights in the US â€" revealed that around 20% of all olive oils are fake and have been mixed with other cheap oils.

This terrible scam has been confirmed yet again in 2012, when the UC Davis Olive Center found out that only 27% of all olive oils passed the quality test to be labeled “extra virgin” â€" the best and most nutritious kind there is.

So again, without even being aware of it, your olive oil might contain up to 100% vegetable oil â€" filled with fattening trans fats.

This is already getting pretty long, so I'm going to pick things up tomorrow and let Nick talk about Mark’s choice of dinner and evening snack tomorrow (fyi, they also suck and I'll tell you why).

In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

Learn the Truth About Fat Burning Foods ( Click Here )

Iklan Anda Terpasang Karena Bantuan Software Iklan Massal

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